Bárbara Barros Carlos is a robotics engineer at Stanley Robotics, Paris, France. Her research interests include real-time nonlinear model predictive control and moving horizon estimation.
Postdoc, 2022
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Ph.D. in Automatic Control, 2021
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering, 2017
Federal Institute of Ceará, Brazil
C/C++, Python
Catkin, CMake, Make
PyCharm, Vim, Terminal (Linux/MacOS)
CasADi, ACADO, acados
Linux, MacOS, ROS
AVR Family (Atmega32), PIC18 Family, ARM Cortex-A8 Microprocessor
Git, LaTeX, GenoM3
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Real-time NMPC for an automated valet parking system
Modeling and matching a human pilot’s behavior with MHE.
Distributed NMPC for real-time navigation of multi-UAV systems.
Embedded NMPC and human-quadrotor mixed-initiative control via real-time NMPC.
Real-time NMPC for nano-quadrotor motion generation.
Underactuated double-pendulum for experimentation of real-time NMPC.
Autopilot designed for a quadrotor prototype.
Progress-maximization NMPC for a valet robot with load-based safety constraints.